Home>Products>Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings>7015ACD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle
7015ACD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle
Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings
Advance 14.000 in Dimension G 7015ACD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle is your 23230 Bearing Number source for quality Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings and accessories. shop online for home delivery or Hebei Hailan Bearing Manufacture Co., Ltd. pick up in one of our 10000 .
- 23230
- Metric
- 14.000 in
- 224 lb
- 12.00 in
- 8.32 in
- 650 rpm
- 950 rpm
Hebei Hailan Bearing Manufacture Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Types of Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings
- 23230
- Metric
- 14.000 in
- 224 lb
- 12.00 in
- 8.32 in
- 650 rpm
- 950 rpm
- 350 rpm
- QMCW30J150SB
- 600 rpm
- 0.0050 in
- 5.06 in
- Piloted Flange Cartr
- 3.34 in
- 0.76 in
- 4.57 in
- 1.03 in
- 150 mm
- 2.08
SKF 7015ACD/P4ADGA 7015ACD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle Product Features
No. | Brand | b | e | F | H | E | D | i | C |
71913ACD/P4AQBCA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
S7012ACE/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | 150 mm | - | - |
7017CDGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | 90 mm | - | - |
71913ACEGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | 920.000 mm | - | - |
7017CEGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7215ACDGB/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7213ACDGB/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
BTW60CTN9/SP | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | 320 mm | - | - |
S7014CE/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | 290.000 mm | - | - |
7216CD/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7213CD/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7212ACDGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7017ACDGB/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | 120 mm | - | - |
71816CD/P4DGB | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | 115.000 mm | - | - |
71913CDGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | 580.000 mm | - | - |
7017ACDGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | 120 mm | - | - |
71813ACD/P4DGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | 670 mm | - | - |
7014CE/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | 52 mm | - | - |
71815ACDGA/P4 | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | 3.3750 in | - | - |
71816CDGA/P4 | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71915CD/P4AQBCA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71900 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | L2:12 mm; S1:9 mm; i:20.5 mm; L3:28.5 mm; t1:4 mm; Appropriate Locknut No.:HM3060; S:24 mm; |
7213CD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7200 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Chamfer rsmin:4.00 mm; Width C:400.000 mm; Outer-Ring Set:432RYS2103; Backing Housing Diameter Ds:512.2 mm; Angle of Chamfer r1smin:20º; Lubrication Hole Diameter h:8.0 mm; Dynamic Load Rating C11:13960 kN; DUR/DOR F/E:432.204 mm; Bore d:390.000 mm; O.D. D:550.000 mm; Chamfer r1smin2:11.0 mm; Backing Shaft Diameter ds:423.1 mm; Static Load Rating Co:6680 kN; Lubrication Groove g:16.0 mm; Weight:669.900 lb; |
71814ACDGB/P4 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71800 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | Dynamic Load Rating:153,000 N; Configuration:Single Row; Weight:5.670 kg; da (min):109 mm; d:95 mm; Bore Type:Cylindrical Bore; Enclosure:Double Shield; Fillet Radius/Chamfer:3 mm; ra (max):2.5 mm; Factor fo:13.3; Static Load Rating:118,000 N; Da (max):186 mm; Limiting Speed - Grease:3,300 rpm; D:200 mm; B:45 mm; Radial Clearance:0.030 to 0.058 mm; |
71913CD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71900 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Static Load Rating:1,740,000 N; Enclosure:Open; da (min):208 mm; Limiting Speed - Oil:1,800 rpm; B:92 mm; Groove Width A:18 mm; Nr. of Holes:6; Da (max):322 mm; Radial Clearance:0.200 to 0.260 mm; Hole Diameter (do):8 mm; Constant e:0.28; Fillet Radius/Chamfer:4 mm; d:190 mm; Axial Load Factor Y2:3.56; Axial Load Factor Y1:2.39; Configuration:Double Row; Limiting Speed - Grease:1,300 rpm; Axial Load Factor Y0:2.34; |
7216CD/P4ADGB SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7200 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | D:100 mm; Configuration:Single Row; Bore Type:Cylindrical Bore; Enclosure:Double Seal; B:21 mm; Limiting Speed - Grease:4,300 rpm; Static Load Rating:29,300 N; da (min):64 mm; d:55 mm; Da (max):91 mm; Weight:0.607 kg; Factor fo:14.4; Radial Clearance:0.023 to 0.043 mm; ra (max):1.5 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:43,500 N; Fillet Radius/Chamfer:1.5 mm; |
7014CD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Pillow/Plummer Block Style:Split Cylindrical Ho; Maximum Speed:1970 rpm; Dimension H :6 in; Bearing Number:LSE407BX; Support Type:Four-Bolt Plummer Bl; Cr - Dynamic Load Rating:71105 lbf; Bearing UPC:013992026774; Dimension J2 :14-1/2 in; Cor - Static Load Rating:96059 lbf; Dimension K :3-1/4 in; Dimension H2:12.3 in; Series Type:Light Series; Dimension J1 :16 in; Note:This product line wa; |
7212ACD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7200 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | Aa - Cage-Cone Backface Clearance:2.03 mm; B:30.500 mm; Cone Part Number:XA30217M; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (1 million revolutions)5:185000 N; db - Cone Backface Backing Diameter:97.03 mm; D:150 mm; Da - Cup Frontface Backing Diameter:142.00 mm; G1 - Heat Generation Factor (Roller-Raceway):101.2; K - Factor7:1.39; Ca90 - Dynamic Thrust Rating (90 million revolutions)6:34400 N; Cup Part Number:YA30217M; |
N1016KTNHA/SP SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Cylindrical Roller Bearings,Single Row N 10 Series | Radial Clearance:0.013 to 0.028 mm; d:25 mm; Static Load Rating:15,100 N; Da:46 mm; D:52 mm; Bore Type:Cylindrical Bore; Fillet Radius/Chamfer:1 mm; Enclosure:Double Shield; Weight:0.190 kg; Dynamic Load Rating:21,800 N; B:20.6 mm; ra:1 mm; Limiting Speed - Oil:9,500 rpm; Configuration:Double Row; da:31 mm; |
71913ACD/P4AQBCA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71900 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | Oil Lubrication - B/C/O Seal:900 rpm; Dimension L Fix:4.02 in; Grease Lubrication - M/N Seal:1200 rpm; Housing Style:Cartridge; Float:0.083 in; e - Geometry Factor:0.24; Oil Lubrication - M/N Seal:1200 rpm; Dimension A:0.781 in; Dimension D:0.313 in; Weight:32 lb; Oil Lubrication - T Seal:2000 rpm; Grease Lubrication - B/C/O Seal:900 rpm; Y1 - Geometry Factor:2.85; Bearing Number:22220; UPC Code:0883450150699; |
7015ACDGA/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | K - Factor7:1.91; db - Cone Backface Backing Diameter:5.47 in; r - Cup Backface To Clear Radius2:0.130 in; T1 - Bearing Width:1.5625 in; Cg - Geometry Factor11:0.114; C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (90 million revolutions)4:15600 lbf; Cup Part Number:48220-B; a - Effective Center Location3:-0.22 in; B - Cone Width:1.5000 in; da - Cone Frontface Backing Diameter:5.24 in; T - Bearing Width to Flange:0.5000 in; |
71915CDGB/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71900 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Dimension W:1.5 in; Bearing - Housing - Seal:MSM70BRHKPS; Bearing Type:Split Cylindrical Re; Cor - Static Load Rating:67443 lbf; Note:This product line wa; Dimension P:0.9 in; Bearing Number:MSM70BR; Dimension N:12.5 in; Dimension R:1.4 in; Bearing UPC:013992035141; Dimension V:5.5 in; Support Type:Take-Up; Bearing - Housing - Seal UPC:013992098566; Dimension D:11.0 in; Dimension A:7.5 in; Shaft Size:70 mm; |
71914ACEGA/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71900 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | Cage Type:Stamped Steel; K - Factor8:0.67; Series:78000C; Aa - Cage-Cone Backface Clearance:0.22 in; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 1 million revolutions)1:92600 lbf; C0 - Static Radial Rating:52600 lbf; Cone Part Number:78250AC; R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius3:0.2 in; Ca90 - Dynamic Thrust Rating (90 million revolutions)7:20400 lbf; Cg - Geometry Factor:0.0926; G1 - Heat Generation Factor (Roller-Raceway):71.3; |
7216CDGA/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7200 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | C:290.0 mm; Piston Length of Travel:8 mm; Assembly Weight:12.200 Kg; Threads B:Tr205x4; E:256 mm; E1:207 mm; D:43.00 mm; A:8 mm; Piston Area:12900 mm²; |
7015CD/P4AQBCA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | B:22.385 mm; Bearing Weight:0.4 Kg; C - Cup Width:18.415 mm; e - ISO Factor8:0.38; db - Cone Backface Backing Diameter:44.45 mm; G2 - Heat Generation Factor (Rib-Roller End):13.3; Ca90 - Dynamic Thrust Rating (90 million revolutions)6:2080 lbf; K - Factor7:1.53; Aa - Cage-Cone Backface Clearance:0.5 mm; R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius1:3.560 mm; Series:14000; Da - Cup Frontface Backing Diameter:66.00 mm; |
NN3012KTN/SP SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Cylindrical Roller Bearings,Double Row NN 30 Series | Fillet Radius/Chamfer:1 mm; a (max):2.1 mm; Cy (max):2.9 mm; d:30 mm; da (min):35 mm; Configuration:Single Row; Groove Width:1.4 mm; Groove Diameter:52.6 mm; Weight:0.113 kg; Radial Clearance:0.013 to 0.028 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:13,200 N; Factor fo:14.8; Da (max):50 mm; r1:0.5 mm; Dx (min):61.5 mm; Limiting Speed - Grease:13,000 rpm; B:13 mm; Bore Type:Cylindrical Bore; Enclosure:Open; Limiting Speed - Oil:15,000 rpm; |
S7014CE/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Bearing Weight:18.4 Kg; Type:NU; R - Inner Ring To Clear Radius4:2.0 mm; Reference Thermal Speed Rating (Grease):1200; B - Outer Ring Width:75 mm; Tapered Bore:N; Da - Outer Ring Backing Diameter:272.000 mm; r - Outer Ring To Clear Radius5:2.0 mm; Reference Thermal Speed Rating (Oil)2:1300; da - Inner Ring Backing Diameter:207.000 mm; C0 - Static Radial Rating:1320000 N; C - Dynamic Radial Rating1:807000 N; |
7015ACD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle Video
Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings Part series 7015ACD/P4ADGA is a potential replacement for these common bearing part numbers:
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- Hebei Hailan Bearing Manufacture Co., Ltd.
- AddressHexi Town, Industrial Park Linxi, Xingtai, Hebei, China
- Phone(Working Time)86-150233698496
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SKF 7015ACD/P4ADGA Technical Articles
nachi bearing quality catalog |
17x47x15.25 bearing table |
15x35x15.9 bearing price list |
Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings CATEGORIES
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- Super Precision Bearings
- Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings
- Super Precision Bearing
- Slewing Ring
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